Practical Approach to Removing Docker Volumes, Images, and Containers
Docker is the ultimate tool that can help the user control various aspects of an application inside a separate space called a container. These containers need routine cleanup in regards to any data collected in the form of logs. This implies that as containers run applications, they generate logs capturing various activities and events. These logs can accumulate over time, occupying storage space within the containers. We have made sure to include every step on removing Docker volumes, images, and containers.
Removing Docker Volumes, Images and Containers One-by-One
We can compare Docker to a box labeled “medical stuff”; this box will contain all the stuff related to medical material. Now, inside this box, you can create a partition to keep the medical journals separated from the medicines. Docker also consists of various sections to keep the related stuff organized. A good way to check out the items in these boxes is to clean them up on a routine basis. Pruning is a system or command that will let you remove any unused material inside Docker. You may remove all Docker volumes if you find them to be of no use lately. Check the removal process for volumes, images, and containers separately.
Removing Docker Volumes
Docker volumes are special sections that are allowed for specific purposes. The sections are similar to the sections of the container named “medical stuff,” wherein you store the journals and medicines separately. This safe space stores the data generated by the containers. When it comes to resource optimization and maintenance, it becomes necessary to clean volumes. The volumes can be removed through the following approaches:
Delete Dangling Volumes
Dangling volumes are independent sections that are not associated with any container. These volumes should be removed by the below syntax to ensure proper cleanup of the Docker. First of all, you need to take a look at all the dangling volumes with the help of the following command.
Now, use the following command to remove all the volumes from the Docker.
Removal of Specific Docker Volume
Many times, it is seen that only a part of the volumes are unused, and the rest remain important to the user. In such a situation, you can handpick the volumes and delete them. In the below syntax, we have invoked the rm docker images command.
Deleting Docker Images
Just like volumes, there can be dangling images as well. These images can also form a pattern or simply be stored inside a specific container. In any case, deleting Docker images from time to time is important for the health of the container. Simply try the below methods to get away with unused images.
Clear Dangling Images
First of all, you need to look for all the dangling images using the below command.
Now, all you have to do is remove the dangling images with the help of the following command:
Removing Particular Images
Each image consists of a particular ID, which you can search through the “docker images –a” command. When all the images get listed, you just need to replace the “image_id” in the below command with the required one.
Deleting Pattern-based Images
Deleting pattern-based Docker images is essential to ensure that the images being removed are no longer required. This action is irreversible and will permanently delete the images, potentially causing data loss if important images are deleted inadvertently. You can execute the following command to do so:
Removing Containers
The cleanup process of a Docker container involves certain types of commands. Certain criteria require different approaches for the cleanup process. Let’s check them out sequentially.
Particular Containers
Removing a Container After it Stops Running
Using Filters to Delete Container
Removal of Containers Based on a Certain Pattern
Deleting All Containers
Also Read: Blow-By-Blow Account of Docker Container Logs
The health of the Docker environment is very much dependent on the contents stored inside it. While these contents are divided into volumes, images, and containers, the aim to delete them is one, i.e., larger disk space. Regularly removing Docker volumes, images, and containers helps manage storage space and keeps the system organized. Deleting these elements can be performed systematically, targeting specific items or using filters to streamline the cleanup process. The usage of targeted removal methods is crucial for a well-organized and efficient Docker ecosystem. The most important role is played by Docker’s pruning commands that ensure optimal resource utilization, prevent clutter, and streamline Docker workflows for enhanced productivity.