
How to Undo and Redo Changes in Vim / Vi?


A user can communicate with the computer through various interfaces, such as GUI, CLI, VUI, and more. These interfaces allow the user to instruct the computer to perform any task. The availability of built-in text editors makes it possible for the user to write in the command-line interface or CLI. One such editor is Vim or Vi improved; it can be used in the Command-Line interface. Commands play a very important role in creating a text file and implementing the user’s instructions. Commands like “undo” and “redo” change a file in Vim (Vi improved). 

This article will act as your user guide to undo and redo changes in Vim / Vi. We have also created separate headers to undo the latest changes in Vim. Let’s jump to the first section of this article, which is about Vim undo changes.

How to Undo Changes in Vim / Vi?

How to Undo Changes in Vim / Vi?

Undo and redo changes in Vim vi allow the user to correct any mistakes committed during file creation. Command undo in Vim lets the user change any unwanted or unapproved inclusion during development. This improves the workflow through uninterrupted developments. If you’re using Vim or Vi, you can easily perform undo and redo actions. An important thing to note here is that the modes in “Vi improved.” You need to shift to normal mode to use the vi undo command. Here’s how:

Undo Changes:

Undo Last Change:

  • First, we will shift to normal mode by pressing the “Esc” key.
  • Press the “u” key in normal mode to undo the most recent change.
  • Once the undo process is complete, the system will show an acknowledgment message regarding the same. 
Undo Changes in Vim / Vi

Undo Multiple Changes:

  • To undo multiple changes, you can use the “u” key repeatedly to edit the changes made in the file.

Undo Latest Changes in Line:

  • It is important to note that the capitalization of the letter “u” serves different purposes in the normal mode of the vim editor. To make changes in the current line you will have to use the capitalized alphabet, i.e., “U”.
  • To undo changes within a line while in Normal mode, use U to revert to the latest modifications made in the current line.
Undo Changes in Vim / Vi

Details View on Redo Changes in Vim:

Redo Multiple Changes:

  • It is common to have a complex nature of editing in a text editor, this is where the need for a multiple redo command arises. This command increases the overall efficiency of the editing process, which by default is time-consuming. 
  • Remember to shift to normal mode by pressing the key “Esc.”
  • After performing an undo operation (u), you can redo changes by pressing “Ctrl + r” in normal mode.
  • While holding Ctrl, type the desired number of redoes and without releasing Ctrl, press the ‘r’ key.

Also Read: How to Save a File in Vim/Vi Editor?

Exploring Vim’s Undo History Branches

Exploring Vim's Undo History Branches

Vim does not have a built-in feature to display a tree-like structure of undo branches. However, you can use the following commands to navigate through the undo history:

  • :earlier {N} or :earlier {time} to move back to a specific state in the undo history.
  • :later {N} or :later {time} to move forward to a specific state in the undo history.

Replace {N} with the number of changes or {time} with a specific time format to move to the desired point in the undo history.

Remember, these commands are used in normal mode within Vim or Vi. If you’re unsure about any specific command, Vim has extensive documentation that you can access by typing :help {command} within Vim. For instance, :help undo will provide more detailed information about undo functionalities.

Also Read: How to find a Word in Vim or Vi Text Editor?


Efficient text editing in the Command Line interface requires convenient functionalities for undoing and redoing changes. Vim (improved) provides you with just that. With Vim, you can seamlessly manage your editing process using commands such as u for undoing the last change, u for reverting the latest modifications in a line, and Ctrl + R for redoing changes.

Although Vim does not have a built-in visual representation of undo branches, it provides commands like :earlier and :later that allow you to navigate through the undo history by specifying the number of changes or a specific time format. For more insights on specific commands, you can explore Vim’s extensive documentation within the editor by typing :help {command}. Mastering these undo and redo functionalities in Vim ensures a smoother editing experience and enhances productivity within the command-line environment.

Arpit Saini

He is the Chief Technology Officer at Hostbillo Hosting Solution and also follows a passion to break complex tech topics into practical and easy-to-understand articles. He loves to write about Web Hosting, Software, Virtualization, Cloud Computing, and much more.

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