5 Reasons Why you Need an SSL/HTTPS for your Website?
You may design your website excellently and catch the eyes of the people, but you will only be able to convert them into your customers by gaining their confidence in your online business. People will only stick to your website or come back to buy the products and services if they get the assurity that the site is reliable and secure. Moreover, they demand that their personal and sensitive information required for the connections or transactions must be safe from any vulnerability under the websites. Thus, it is crucial to consider building the high-security factor in your websites, guaranteeing the users about the website’s capabilities to secure all the data and fight against any kind of malware, cyber-crime, or threat.
Often, you will get to encounter two significant terms when there is any discussion about the website’s security. One is HTTPS, and another is the SSL certificate. They both function in favour of providing high security to the website and its users. Here you will acquire a complete understanding of both the terms. Also, by the end of this article, you will get the answer – Why do I Need an SSL Certificate? Moreover, here we will also go through the meanings, differences and privileges of SSL and HTTPS. Let us leap to the following sections to get started!
What is SSL Certificate?
An SSL certificate stands for the Secure Sockets Layer certificate. The SSL constitutes a set of data files utilized to append to the server in order to acquire an encrypted connection between a browser and the server. The encrypted connection issues a digital certificate to the website, known by the name of the SSL certificate. The SSL certificate renders authentication for a website. You need an SSL Certificate to convey to the users that the website is safe and provides high security in its functionalities.
Let us figure out the differences between the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).
What is HTTPS?
HTTPS is a short form used for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is an aggregate of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) with the Secure Socket Layer (SSL)/Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. HTTPS is utilized to encrypt information when it gets transmitted between a browser and a web server.
The encryption is done to secure website users’ data or information from getting exposed to third-party and from the attacks during the data transmission. Thus, HTTPS increases the security of data transfer. Its operations protect the data transfer, which is especially required during logging into a bank account, email service, or health insurance provider. Modern web browsers have taken HTTPS sincerely. They identify the HTTPS web pages and mark them with a green padlock in the URL bar to indicate that the webpage is safe and secure.
SSL vs HTTPS – What’s the difference?
HTTPS is a blend of HTTP with SSL/TLS. It implies that HTTPS is the HTTP connection securing the transmission of data utilizing SSL/TLS.
In comparison, the SSL is a secure protocol operating on the head of HTTP to implement security. It implies that the protocols will route the data encrypted by SSL.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure renders encrypted communications and a secure ID of a web server.
On the other hand, Secure Sockets Layer is solely a protocol that facilitates secure communications online. TLS serves as the ‘latest version’ of SSL. An SSL certificate incorporates:
- The domain name
- Name of the person, organization, or device
- Name of the certificate authority
- The certificate authority’s digital signature
- Associated subdomains
- Issue date of the certificate
- The expiration date of the certificate
- The public key (the private key remains secret)
After comprehending the meaning and differences of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) and Secure Sockets Layer(SSL) certificate, it is time to clearly know why is it important to have an ssl certificate for your website.
5 Reasons to have SSL Certificate on Your Website
Following are five significant reasons why you need an SSL Certificate for your website –
You Need an SSL Certificate to improve Google Rankings.
In August 2014 Google released an update including security in its 200 ranking signals. Since then, Security has been a crucial factor in improving the organic search rankings of a website. Google favours the websites that serve the best user experience for their customers. With an SSL Certificate, you can improve your website’s security and attain higher organic rankings.
You Need an SSL Certificate to Enhance Security Levels.
Google is willing to get the safest web experience for its users. With the advancement in technology, cybercrimes are also progressing at considerable rates. Hence, the ranking algorithm ensures that the users will only reach websites that secure data transmission. And, HTTPS will secure the website and user’s information against any hacking strategies.
You Need an SSL Certificate to Acquire the Updated Browser Labels.
Your website may receive a high volume of traffic, but once the users get to know that the site is not secure, they will take themselves back and browse for another website. Google is marking the not secured websites with the grey information symbol. To update the browser labels to secure ones, you need to confirm that your website is entirely safe and renders high security. Having an SSL certificate is the best way to prove that.
You Need an SSL Certificate to Increase Conversions.
There may be users who do not comprehend the technicality of secure connections. However, they have the understanding that the websites they exchange information with must be HTTPS. If the website is not hypertext transfer protocol secure, then most of the users will not think of taking the connection forward with the website’s business. You can observe that there is a considerable difference in the conversion rates between HTTP and HTTPS sites. The conversion rates will further go down for the HTTP when Google is going to roll out its new HTTP labelling, stating that the site is not at all secure to browse and use.
You Need an SSL Certificate to Gain Customers’ Confidence.
A secure connection leads to developing the confidence of customers in your website. They will not give a second thought to exchanging or transmitting data through your website when they know things are operating in a safe environment. Therefore, an SSL certificate for your website has many roles to play and many benefits to give.
Types of SSL Certificates Hostbillo provides
Domain Validation SSL
SSL certificates with Domain Validation have been provided to secure data using the Encryption technique. It protects sites located on both www as well as non-www (redirected) addresses.
It works on most mobile devices and web browsers. By using Domain SSL certificates, users can truly experience the website hosting without stressing over security and privacy. It is mainly used by Blog websites. Domain Validation SSLs are the cheapest and could be obtained within a few minutes with the limited verification process.
Business Validation SSL
Business Validation SSL Certificates are freely accessible to all individuals, corporations, organizations, traders, and other reputable businesses. There are no documents required to obtain a certificate for safeguarding your Domain. As a result, you can safeguard or maintain the privacy of your site and even your company’s project. Through the Site Seal, your SSL certificate guarantees visible data security evidence. Although it isn’t required, most website owners choose an SSL certificate for added protection.
Wildcard Validation SSL
Wildcard certificates are being used to handle a wide range of subdomains under the same parent domain. These multi-domains are extremely protected with modern encryption technologies when managed underneath a singular SSL certificate.
Wildcard SSL Certificates are quite prominent with single users and end customers of all categories. These certificates are commonly used to secure several domains inside the same domain. Under easy and unique licensing, you can protect data from many servers. Unlimited Server Licensing additionally guarantees that your Virtualized infrastructure is completely managed. This licensing applies to Wildcard and SAN certifications.
Multi-Domain SSL
All such certificates give an extra degree of protection to your domains. To make maintenance easier, SSL Certificates are created for Office Communication Servers including Microsoft Exchange Servers. Inside the network combined with limitless servers, Multi-Domain SSL could support up to 250 domains & subdomains. Users can enjoy high-end website security using encrypted HTTPS Client-Server Protocol with the Multi-Domain SSL Certificate.
These were among the most important factors to consider while making a website purchase. Obtaining an SSL certificate for just about any website has now become required for a variety of safety reasons. Of course, this requires funding on your end, and even if you’re a modest, new company, you’d never want to compromise your credibility. An investment into SSL certification can allow you to preserve your reputation and, more notably, stay in business. Hostbillo promises to provide you with the best in corporate quality services as well as an SSL certificate that your website can trust. These SSL Certificates provide data encryption as well as protection and add-on functionality.